
Saturday, October 28, 2017

Wall Street Journal Crossword Answers - Oct 28 2017 - Why Not?

Today's crossword solution for the Wall Street Journal Crossword Answers - Oct 28 2017 - Why Not?. The Wall Street Journal Crosswords are very hard some times, with our help you will be able to finish the tricky definitions.
Below you will find all the answers for the Wall Street Journal Crossword Answers - Oct 28 2017 - Why Not? divided to 2 sections, Across clues and Down Clues.

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'Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette' painterRENOIR
'Mother Courage and Her Children' playwrightBRECHT
'Princess of Power' of cartoonsSHERA
'___ had it!'IVE
100-cent currencyEURO
Academy founderPLATO
Activewear materialTRICOT
Addition columnTENS
Annie of 'Young Sheldon'POTTS
Anthony Hopkins's 'Thor' roleODIN
Astronomical discoveryNOVA
Atlas areasSEAS
Attempted to gain control ofMOVEDINON
Be completely unimportantCUTNOICE
Betrays amusementGRINS
Burnett of CNNERIN
Butterfly, e.gSTROKE
Cause of some chaotic weatherELNINO
Celtic soothsayerDRUID
Cheeky behaviorSASS
Cloud makeupVAPOR
Cork countryEIRE
Coup ___DETAT
Courtroom figureSTENO
Cover for an Omsk ear?SIBERIANHUSK
Cry of realizationAHA
Cry of revulsionUGH
Cube or coneSOLID
Daughter of Dick and PatTRICIA
Dense marblesAGATES
Director's prerogativeRETAKE
Do a Thanksgiving dinner jobCARVE
Drinking spreeTOOT
Eat like a birdPECKAT
Encouraging sign for investorsUPTICK
Equal competitorSPLENDA
Expert at arresting?MASTERCOP
Expo for dentists?TOOTHFAIR
Fashion photographer RichardAVEDON
Feel deep sorrowACHE
Flooring piecePLANK
Fromage ingredientLAIT
Future alumnae, quaintlyCOEDS
Game catcherSNARE
Golf club used as a theater prop?DRAMATICIRON
Halloween spiritGHOUL
Hardly gracefulAWKWARD
Having drawing power?ARTISTIC
Historic Manhattan ballroomROSELAND
Hotel room fixturesSAFES
Hunky park ranger?NATURESTUD
Identity elementNAME
It might be right on the tip of your tongueTASTEBUD
It takes a bowARROW
It takes a bowVIOLIN
It's about a mile from Harvard UMIT
Jewel box contentsDISC
Keypad keyENTER
Keystone settingARCH
Kids' reward for not fighting?PEACETREAT
Knickknack holdersETAGERES
Leave off the invitation list, saySNUB


Like an effective resumeONEPAGE
Like Edward Gorey drawingsPENANDINK
Lions and Tigers and BearsTEAMS
List of candidatesSLATE
Love, to Latin loversAMOR
Lucy's husbandDESI
Magic show propSAW
Mixing tool used by haggis chefs?SCOTCHWHISK
Monarchal lettersHRH
Mrs. Dithers, in 'Blondie'CORA
National park near Bar HarborACADIA
Neckline shapeVEE
Newspaper featureCOMICS
Oatmeal cousinECRU
Olive or miniature umbrella, perhaps?COCKTAILPART
Orderly universeCOSMOS
Org.'s kinASSN
Oscar winner for 'The Color of Money'NEWMAN
Paces in racesTROTS
Pass overOMIT
Persona non ___GRATA
Proctor's callTIME
Proofer's pointerCARET
Quartet memberALTO
Ready for businessOPEN
Regained consciousnessCAMETO
Richards and RomneyANNS
Rodriguez of 'Jane the Virgin'GINA
Sarge's superiorLOOIE
Saucer occupantCUP
Section of a buff buff's digestive tract?NUDISTCOLON
Sellout lettersSRO
Share a sideABUT
Shot delivererNEEDLE
Shuffleboard stickCUE
Sister of VenusSERENA
Sister of ZeusHERA
Soap-on-___ (bath product)AROPE
Soldier's dutyDETAIL
Solitary sortHERMIT
Songbird with a hooked billSHRIKE
Soprano ScottoRENATA
Staple of advertisingSEX
Stealthy lookPEEK
Strasbourg's regionALSACE
Strong headwinds, nauticallyNOSERS
Sun-Maid, in the dried fruit aisle?APRICOTBRAND
Tag lineNOTIT
Tennessee battle site of 1862SHILOH
Think upHITON
Timbuktu's nationMALI
Toolbar featureICON
Transitional pointCUSP
Tucker's 'Rush Hour' co-starCHAN
Twisting actionTORSION
Use a crowbar, in CornwallPRISE
Was dishonestLIED
Without interruptionONEND
Words on old soda bottlesNORETURN
Zoroaster's homePERSIA

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