
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Jonesin' - Jan 30 2018

Today's crossword solution for the Jonesin' - Jan 30 2018. The Jonesin' Crosswords are very hard some times, with our help you will be able to finish the tricky definitions.
Below you will find all the answers for the Jonesin' - Jan 30 2018.

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'I Just Wanna Stop' singer ___ VannelliGINO
'King Lear' daughterREGAN
'Super Freak' singerRICKJAMES
'The Destroyer,' in HinduismSIVA
'The Princess Bride' character ___ MontoyaINIGO
'___ Kommissar' (1983 pop hit)DER
'___ you for real?'ARE
2011's 'Arthur,' e.gREMAKE
Actor Benicio del ___ of 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi'TORO
Actress Hathaway of 'The Princess Diaries'ANNE
Arctic herdCARIBOU
At any pointEVER
Bete ___ (nemesis)NOIRE
Beyond passableGOOD
Boat with a pair of bearsARK
Boxer AliLAILA
Catch on clothingSNAG
Cheese that goes with red wineBRIE
Constellation with a 'belt'ORION
Cough syrup amtTSP
D&D game runners, for shortDMS
Daily ___ (political blog since 2002)KOS
Diddley and Derek, for twoBOS
Dissipate slowlySEEP
Drug bust participantNARC
Duane Allman's brotherGREGG
Gator or Power followerADE
Half of a headliner at the Rio in Las VegasTELLER
He was assassinated on the Ides of MarchJULIUSCAESAR
Home of the Huskies, for shortUCONN
Hydrochloric ___ACID
In ___ parentis (legal doctrine)LOCO
Irish comedian ___ Ó BriainDARA
It's a signOMEN
Jokers, usually (or what the circled letters represent)WILDCARDS
Juliet's surnameCAPULET
Jury membersPEERS
Letters over 0 on older touchtonesOPER
Like cheaper textbooksUSED
McGregor in a hyped 2017 boxing matchCONOR
Medical suffixesOSES
Microscope pieceLENS
Monopoly board words near 'Just visiting'INJAIL
Near-grads, for shortSRS
Not yet burningUNLIT
Offshore drilling structureOILRIG
Participate in a pollVOTE
Quality of some cheesesODOR
Quicker than quickASAP
Radio band lettersAMFM
Roman god with two facesJANUS
Roths, for short? (abbr.)ANAG
Scene of actionARENA
Sea of ___ (Biblical location)GALILEE
Septa- plus oneOCTO
Shape of a pretzel (but not a pretzel stick)KNOT
Slip upERR
Some bank acct. dataSSNS
Some football linemen, brieflyRGS
Stack of cashWAD
Stage whisper, perhapsASIDE
Stretchy shirt of sortsTUBETOP
Surname of two brothers behind a root beer brandBARQ
The Mad Hatter's guestALICE
The rougher interrogator, in proceduralsBADCOP
Tree with an extract that purportedly helps memoryGINKGOBILOBA
Wind section memberOBOE
Winter rideSLED
Without helpSOLELY
Word before bump or boomBABY
Word knowledge, brieflyVOCAB
Worth a 'meh' responseOFNOCONSEQUENCE
___ Lama (Tibetan leader)DALAI
___ to armsACALL

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