
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

LA Times Crossword 13 Mar 19, Wednesday

Today's crossword solution for the LA Times Crossword 13 Mar 19, Wednesday. The LA Times Crosswords are very hard some times, with our help you will be able to finish the tricky definitions.
Below you will find all the answers for the LA Times Crossword 13 Mar 19, Wednesday divided to 2 sections, Across clues and Down Clues.

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1Cascades peakSHASTA
7Cap’n’s aideBO’S’N
11Classic British sports carsMGS
14Character builder?AUTHOR
15__ DominiANNO
16Vein contentsORE
17Not yet provenTHEORETICAL
19__ dropMIC
20After 18-Down, actor/golfer comboARNOLD PALMER
22Wrestling duoTAG TEAM
26Charlottesville sch.UVA
27Like a cool catHEP
30Edible rootBEET
31Depended (on)RELIED
35Sunlit lobbiesATRIA
37After 34-Down, crime writer/poet comboFRANCIS SCOTT KEY
42Worthy of a standing OSOCKO
43Pay for one’s crimeDO TIME
44Suisse peakALPE
47Sisters, sayKIN
48Spam holderTIN
49“American Horror Story” actress PaulsonSARAH
51Contents of a teacher’s keyANSWERS
55After 50-Down, president/novelist comboTRUMAN CAPOTE
59TV buying channelHSN
60Host of a Friars Club eventROASTMASTER
64One of a comic trioMOE
65Invite feedback?RSVP
66Nissan sedanALTIMA
6718-, 34- __ 50-DownAND
68Votes forYEAS
69Oppressive rulerDESPOT


1Minded the kidsSAT
2“What the?!”HUH?!
3Pigged out, sayATE
4Little pigSHOAT
5Yankee manager before GirardiTORRE
6__ rock: Queen genreARENA
7Attend to a leaking boatBAIL
8How some data is storedON CD
9Sound made using two fingersSNAP
10“The Dark Knight Trilogy” director ChristopherNOLAN
11Family nicknameMOMMIE
13It’s not for everyoneSECRET
18Generic guyTOM (ARNOLD)
21Canadian breweryLABATT
22Steak metaphor seen on menusTURF
23State with convictionAVER
24Charity eventGALA
27WearsHAS ON
28“There’s more” lettersETC
29Jab to keep them dogies rollin’PROD
32Slacks measureINSEAM
33Prefix with carECO-
34Generic guyDICK (FRANCIS)
36“How was __ know?”I TO
38Maneuver through mogulsSKI
39Flier on a stringKITE
40Mideast mogulEMIR
41Strong desiresYENS
44Bronchial disorderASTHMA
45“The Far Side” cartoonist GaryLARSON
46Tended to topiaryPRUNED
50Generic guyHARRY (TRUMAN)
52Desert wandererNOMAD
53Like many bad jokesSTALE
54Bridge positionsWESTS
56Bridge positionNOSE
57Vena __: major blood lineCAVA
58Sacred symbols on pyramid wallsASPS
61Reward for waitingTIP
62Confessional music genreEMO
63Maze scurrierRAT

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