
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,191 - Mar 12 2019

Today's crossword solution for the The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,191 - Mar 12 2019. The Telegraph Toughie Crosswords are very hard some times, with our help you will be able to finish the tricky definitions.
Below you will find all the answers for the The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,191 - Mar 12 2019.

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Ace under pressure to stop upset exhausts Nadal perhapsSPANIARD
Adding sixty after subtracting every other numberDIGIT
Advanced technology initially installed in revolutionary commercial vehicles?SATNAV
Ahead of time, borders of magnolia escape disease that's spotted in gardensLADYBIRD
Bill needs Guy to provide agreementACCORD
Brings food to table in French porcelain?SERVESUP
Busy Monday for energetic individualDYNAMO
Comfortable place to relax, say, I reach when tipsyEASYCHAIR
Composer and famous songwriter shortly going to AustraliaBERLIOZ
Energy during line dance to express oneself without restraintLETRIP
European native bird, one from the East, it's saidCROATIAN
Female gets cut from straightforward foulRANK
Fifty selfies oddly lacking any vitalityLIFELESS
Firm is defending clumsy window cleanerCHAMOIS
Force of habit wearing uniform? On the contraryDURESS
Good few periodically working in concert hallODEON
Irish aboard train causing troubleSTIRRING
Liberal making bow, it shows progress in educationLEARNINGCURVE
Main Conservative interrupts Telegraph smart alecWISEACRE
Nick runs after player achieving a touchdown?SCORER
Old general's command essentially beginning to end, maybeANTONYM
Prices broken by hollow iron statuettesFIGURINES
Retired neighbours' lid off a dustbin covers up flowersDAFFODILS
Sauce of political journalist to ignore leader of NationalistsPESTO
See, one's awfully excited to exerciseLOOSENUP
Shock description of cafe from those withholding tipsAFRO
Sky News to be positioned outside Scottish townNAIRN
Surprised expression over small number originally making annual celebrationHALLOWEEN
Very many met up as arranged, having spaceUMPTEEN
Worried Azeri on ship hugs child exhibiting illnessSCHIZOPHRENIA

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