
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,192 - Mar 13 2019

Today's crossword solution for the The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,192 - Mar 13 2019. The Telegraph Toughie Crosswords are very hard some times, with our help you will be able to finish the tricky definitions.
Below you will find all the answers for the The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,192 - Mar 13 2019.

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Aggressive corporation cut short one company's enquiry, initiallyBELLICOSE
Brag once mob from pub ask all to strip for bitterRANCOROUS
Daughter ate out in filmTHEGRADUATE
Dishonest dealer in skyscraper, one who moans according to SpoonerCARDSHARPER
Divine beings enthralling ancient city — they're fruity!GOURDS
Earlier test of the countryPASTORAL
Get up and complain having missed golfROUSE
Group of bluesmen playing on base, but not for allENSEMBLE
Inclination to secure right educationLEARNING
It's a slight waste, removing linesSLUR
Keep talking of game with no nameRUNON
King maybe showing love isn't workingNOVELIST
Like a brother perhaps getting hold of wife's last £500MONKEY
Make a turnover that's somewhat stupendousUPEND
Mick or Keith, the compiler of this puzzle? Crikey!STONEME
Minister in hospital ran about, the result of overdoing itHANGOVER
Missing nothing in something boringAWOL
Nan's family — and what they might wearGOATSKIN
Old tease provided backing for musical characterFIGARO
One with the hump about artist? That's sweetCARAMEL
Pensioner told off Queen having adopted sonOLDSTER
Person unlucky in love could be this brokenHEART
Praised first piece of gammon cooked fried with oilGLORIFIED
Representative of one dealing in bicycle wheels?SPOKESMAN
Roadie regularly cheers accompanimentRAITA
Savour memory stifled by teetotallersAROMA
Swimmer seen in large empty aquarium before gameLAMPREY
Trouble Bond's boss's boss about IndiaMISCHIEF
Vegetable to stick in shelterLEGUME
Very young scout with story for a convertBELIEVER

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