
Saturday, January 25, 2020

LA Times Crossword 25 Jan 20, Saturday

Today's crossword solution for the LA Times Crossword 25 Jan 20, Saturday. The LA Times Crosswords are very hard some times, with our help you will be able to finish the tricky definitions.
Below you will find all the answers for the LA Times Crossword 25 Jan 20, Saturday divided to 2 sections, Across clues and Down Clues.

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1Moisture-catching liningsSWEATBANDS
11Barbecue crustCHAR
15Period that included the Civil WarLINCOLN ERA
16Place with rolling pins, perhapsLANE
17Making a pleaENTREATING
18Present opener?OMNI-
19Have the chutzpahDARE
20Farm structureSILO
21Word with interest and errorHUMAN
22Farm structureSTY
23Date night convenienceATM
25“Femina Cup” (1910s contest) competitorAVIATRIX
29Informal “Right?”AIN’T IT TRUE?
32Ball, e.g.GALA
33Links legendSNEAD
34It’s above lead on tablesTIN
35Ring of Saturn?ORBIT
36Hash ingredientSPUD
37Makes even more gross?GETS A RAISE
39Plural possessiveOUR
40Leo is oneFIRE SIGN
43__ wolfCRY
44Nasty currentRIP
47R&B family nameISLEY
48Caps on a protective vestSWAT
50Fundació Joan __: Barcelona museumMIRO
51Family memberAUNT
52Blocks offBARRICADES
55Gerald Ford and Glenn Ford, e.g.FREEMASONS


1They often have runnersSLEDS
2Succeed inWIN AT
3Contest formENTRY
4Estate unitACRE
5__ the lineTOE
6“Dang!”BLAST IT!
7Part of the Enterprise’s power sourceANTIMATTER
8Diamond of songNEIL
9Bond classicDR NO
12Early code name?HAMMURABI
13Alphabetically second on a list of U.S. state capitalsANNAPOLIS
23All inAVID
24Whopper you can’t eatLIE
25Ever so slightlyA TAD
26Not remotely freshTRITE
27Flees in a panicRUNS SCARED
29Like eight Supreme Court justicesASSOCIATE
30Chasing, with “of”IN PURSUIT
31Artificial intelligence frameworkNEURAL NET
32__ Torino: 1970s FordGRAN
37Beneficiaries of a 1944 billGIS
38PAC’s election season purchaseAIRTIME
40“30 Rock” creatorFEY
42One-third of dodeca-TETRA-
44No longer forced to deal withRID OF
45Sherlock’s foe AdlerIRENE
46Term in Old West and hip-hop culturePOSSE
48Indian garbSARI
49Chirpy birdWREN
50Keyword in Newton’s second lawMASS
52Texting partner, like, srsly!BFF
53Ford productCAR

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